Sunday, 17 August 2014

Term Three blog 4 Repetition


Trove Lo - Stay High 4:22
 The whole clip is filmed as a Mid Shot, the duration of each shot is about five seconds. 
This clip starts off with a women who's in a bar/club. Through out the video all you see is her drinking constantly and partying. You also witness the aftermath of all the events she went through during the night as it shows her waking up from it all. In this clip its obvious to say she's just drinking her problems away as she starts to cry at the end of the clip. This video shows repetition throughout the film. Even though it has been filmed in a mid shot throughout the whole clip I actually find the video quite intriguing as it shows a day in her life. The reason why i chose this clip to represent the theme repetition is because you see the same actions that are involved which is her drinking all the time and also using the same movements.

1 comment:

  1. Morena, I can access your Blogger, thank you
